About Me
Welcome to my online gallery of paintings, often inspired by the beautiful St. Croix River Valley in Minnesota that calls me home no matter where I travel. When away from home and my studio, I always have my travel art supplies, never wanting to be without my tools of creative expression.
As a studio painter, I use my own photography as reference, manipulating the color and light to capture that magical thing that draws me to a place. I’m then trying to recreate that inspiration through the use of expressive brushstrokes and color choices. Although I love all things related to nature— flowers, trees and the Minnesota landscape, my favorite subjects have to do with reflections in water—streams, lily ponds, lakes, and the ocean.
I’m primarily an oil painter, having switched from acrylics a couple of years ago. There is no comparison as to the intensity of color, consistency, and long drying time that allows for choices in mark making I want to achieve. Additionally, I’ve begun using Gouache, water soluble crayons, colored pencils, and graphite as my go-to travel set. I started taking them on trips as a practical choice— small and water soluble. Working with them over the past couple of years, I’ve developed my technique to blend all of those media to get the combination of color intensity and interesting lines.
The act of painting is transformational for me and I want that same experience for my viewers. I’m taking them along on the ride. Painting is storytelling— a way of communicating without words.
Art is a mirror, reflecting not only the experiences of the artist, but a little bit of their soul.
Thanks so much for visiting my site! I Hope you found something you loved – something that inspired you.
Peace & Paint,